
Do Yourself the Biggest Favor Ever: Hire a Veteran

Hire a Veteran

With Memorial Day and July 4 bookending our annual Patriotic Season, it’s particularly important to remember that today’s heroes are alive and well—and lots of them are looking for jobs.

The numbers tell the story: According to the United States Department of Labor, March 2018 saw a slight rise in unemployment among vets, so there’s lots of super talent out there waiting to be discovered. And there are plenty of reasons to hire a veteran that have everything to do with your bottom line and their desire to do meaningful work for a decent salary:

  • Military personnel are better than most at feeling a sincere sense of civic duty.
  • 90% of all managers find veterans easier to manage than civilians, according to a Center for a New American Security?
  • Folks in the military are diverse and some of that diversity is born of having served with people from all walks of life. They are already schooled in the art of inclusion.   
  • The number of skills veterans acquire during their careers are a gift that veterans give to their employers, particularly in terms of loyalty and expertise.  
  • Employers adding vets to their work rosters are eligible for tax credits, especially if they add a staffer with disabilities.

6 ways to find the right veteran for your business

  1. Take the traditional route: Use Indeed and Monster’s Military.com to find candidates.
  2. Try VetJobs.com for a more targeted recruitment effort.
  3. Frequent social media sites like LinkedIn to look for ex-military job seekers.
  4. Locate veteran job fairs in your area and plan to attend.
  5. Offer apprenticeships or internships as a way to integrate a vet into your business.
  6. Search your state’s American Job Center postings (e.g., https://www.homebaseiowa.gov/).

Once you’ve located the perfect candidate, the most important part of your commitment kicks in: Make sure he or she is integrated into the corporate culture by providing a strong support network. You’ve got treasures on your payroll. Make sure you treat them accordingly!

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