Job Trends in the U.S

Did you know that the Bureau of Labor Statistics has cool information about jobs and the people who do them? They look at things like if the job is mostly done by men or women, and if the people doing the job are mostly from one race or another.

For example, did you know that almost all dental hygienists are women? That’s really awesome because it shows that women are doing great in the dental field. And did you know that most lawyers are white? This means we need more diversity in the legal profession, where people from different backgrounds can become lawyers too.

It’s also interesting to know that some jobs, like paralegals, hairdressers, and dietitians, have a mix of people from different races and ethnicity. This is good because it means these jobs are welcoming to everyone.

But there are some jobs, like legislators, funeral-home managers, economists, and ship captains, where there aren’t enough people to study and learn about their gender and race. These jobs are like mysteries waiting to be discovered!

Overall, it’s important to have different people doing different jobs. It makes our world more interesting and fair. So, let’s keep encouraging everyone to follow their dreams and be whatever they want to be!

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