
Information provided through this service is subject to the following restrictions and/or limitations:

ATTENTION: If the data you provide for the search is inaccurate and we cannot locate your request, no refund is provided due to the cost of the searches completed in order to locate that person. 

Please make sure you double-check your search criteria & type the information correctly.

  • Coverage and Content — Data may not be available from all states or all counties or all smaller subdivisions within. Some items of data may be available from some but not other jurisdictions, and many of the sources of court records have attempted to protect personal identifiers by no longer providing data fields containing Social Security numbers, dates of birth, addresses, or telephone numbers.
  • History — Some jurisdictions provide deeper history than others, often due to the advent of computerized record keeping, which did not occur at the same time everywhere; consult the coverage chart for indications of historical availability in any particular jurisdiction.
  • Currentness — Some jurisdictions provide more recent data than others, and some jurisdictions have ceased to make records available to the public; consult the coverage chart for indications of currentness in any particular jurisdiction.
  • Reliability — The data provided through this service is a snapshot in time and may not reflect all action that has occurred since electronic record of the reported event(s) were obtained.
  • Accuracy — Data entry errors occur everywhere every day. Positive ID requires fingerprint search. Disposition inquiries should be directed to the reporting agency.
  • Verification — Since records may not have sufficient information to establish an exact identity, search results should be taken only as an indicator of information available. Records are for informational purposes only.
  • Completeness — Information provided through this service is from public court records, but does not comprise all information from the official court records available to the public. Court pleadings, for instance, may be found in case files that may be viewed and copied at a courthouse. Confidential cases, sealed cases, sealed documents, and expunged records also are not available though our service.
  • FCRA — You may not use our service or the information it provides to make decisions about consumer credit, employment, insurance, tenant screening, or any other purposes that would require FCRA compliance.
  • Federal Charges — “According to Federal Law, Criminal Charges after seven years are not reported as it is illegal for employers to use this information in the hiring of a candidate”


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If you would like to exercise Your Consumer Privacy Rights as described in this Privacy Statement, have a privacy question, concern, or complaint, please contact us at support@hireshield.com




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