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  1. Register Yourself or your Company with Hireshield.
  2. Login into your newly created account.
  3. Purchase from 1 to 5000 Redeemable Credits for Hireshield Background Checks and have them ready for redemption.
  4. When a potential employee/candidate arrives… login into your account.
  5. Ask candidate for their “Name, SS Number, Date of Birth & Residing City and type that into the online form.
  6. 30 Seconds Later…. make your decision!
  7. YES, it’s that fast…. feel confident in your decision!
Arrest Records Search Online
Arrest Records will show if the arrest was for a business violation, drug or alcohol related, for a violent crime, from a theft or robbery, or was a traffic-related incident

Arrest Records


Online Bankruptcy Search
Credit reporting agencies search public records. If the company requests a credit report on a job applicant who declared bankruptcy, the bankruptcy will appear.

Bankruptcy Search


online background civil judgements search
A civil background check is a record of claims, judgments, and lawsuits that are filed in county or federal courts.

Civil Judgements Search


Federal Civil Records Search
Hireshield’s Federal Civil Records Search offers nationwide access to civil cases from all U.S. Federal District courts excluding Alaska, Guam, Idaho, New Mexico and Northern Marianas Islands.

Federal Civil Records Search


Federal Criminal Records Search
Hireshield’s Federal Criminal Records Searches check for criminal cases heard in federal courts.

Federal Criminal Records Search


National Criminal Records Search Online
A National Criminal Database Search draws from over 600 million records from thousands of jurisdictions, including counties, department of corrections (DOC) and offender registries from all 50 states.

National Criminal Records Search


National Warrants Search background check
The National Warrants search reveals active and open warrants, simultaneously searching both US District and County Courts.

National Warrants Search


OFAC background search
OFAC is the Office of Foreign Asset Control, part of the U.S. Department of Treasury. OFAC is responsible for administering and enforcing economic and trade sanctions against certain nations, entities and individuals.

OFAC Terrorist Search


Professional License Search
A Professional License Background Check includes registered nurse license verification, medical license verification and other license lookup services

Professional License Search


sex offender search national registry
Sex Offender Search will identify/verify if the individual searched is on the National Sex Registry list which covers all 50 states.

Sex Offender Search


social security verification
Authenticate a person’s identity with our Social Security Number Verification.

Social Security Verifier


Tax Lien Records Search
This inclusive search is performed in the deed of records in the specific jurisdiction for all Federal and State Tax Liens that are open

Tax Lien Records Search


Tenant Eviction
Authenticate a tenants residential history

Tenant Eviction Check


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