4 Surprising Ways Background Checks Can Improve Your Bottom Line
Run a background check on new hires. Background checks reveal more than just if you are hiring criminals or candidates with drug or alcohol issues.
Run a background check on new hires. Background checks reveal more than just if you are hiring criminals or candidates with drug or alcohol issues.
Roy Maurer sticks his professional nose into hiring trends as a talent acquisition guru for SHRM online.
Ask a candidate to perform a sample work test that shows how they would perform it were they were already on staff.
You help protect your company from legal risks if you find relevant information.
It’s easy and accessible to find info on a job candidate that a standard background check online may not include.
These are legally binding agreements that include specifics that can hold up in court should an employee break rules and you need recourse.
There are myriad reasons for stepping up security background checks for all hires that work around children. Local jurisdictions are not always strict about taking this important step however.
Military personnel are better than most at feeling a sincere sense of civic duty.